Tuesday, February 9, 2010

FLOURISH conference for GIRLS!!!

March 27th...it will be a glorious day! check out the flourish blog for more info, crazy videos & to SIGN UP!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Be inspired by the world around you!!! Open your eyes and take things to new levels.

Monday, February 1, 2010

[making a memorable scene]


The day started by deciding to take a stroll along the beach and as we came to a huge mound of sand, like typical girls, we set up a little photo session, enjoyed the sun and caught up....THEN out of nowhere our silence and serene beauty was interrupted by 3 boys. There were the two brothers (one plump/so precious and the other super skinny and never stood still) and then token random friend. who was off in his own world. They climbed onto our mound of sand with boogie boards and I wondered..."Are they going to do what I think they are going to do?" And sure enough...down the sand dune they went. We watched. We laughed. We thought it was cute that the plump little brother looked like he was praying before he scooted himself off the edge. I thought it looked like fun but they were boys and I am such mature, classy lady.

But you see, I am reading this book, "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years" by Donald Miller (THANKS mike forrest!!). It's been like a little treat each night before I go to bed. I try to force myself to only read a chapter or two because it's like a good dessert after a tasteful day. ANYWHO. The book really dives into this whole concept of our life being a story and challenges you to look at the life you are living. Is your story compelling? Is it Fun? Is it meaningful?...Donald Miller writes, "A good movie has memorable scenes, and so does a good life."

So back to the beach....I decided, why not join in on the fun and make some new friends.  First attempt down was so fun! It was like sledding but even better because I wasn't cold and I didn't have 45 layers of clothes on.  Then skinny brother started doing crazy things like 360s and jumping so I was like..."Oh I am doing that!!! He is 10years old. If he can do it, I can".....Unfortunately,  it was an epic fail. I was flipping and rolling all the way down the sand dune and was a human sand box for the rest of the day.  The moms asked if I was ok. My friends were crying they were laughing so hard. The boys definitely did not think I was cool. But it was a memorable scene in this life I live. 

life is but a BREATH. live it well.

[Thanks for coming to visit Kimi&Taryn. You both live a very compelling life and am thankful to be a part of it!! Keep shining.]