Friday, January 15, 2010


There was once a young man who decided he wanted to change the world. His mission in life was to make a difference in the lives of others. He worked tirelessly each day trying to cure hatred, poverty, and violence.  As time passed, he concluded his dream of changing the world was unrealistic, and he therefore turned his focus to his country. He got involved in politics, met with decision-makers and tried to change laws and policies.  After years of exhausted efforts, he again found himself overwhelmed and unable to change his country.  So this man turned his attention to his town. 
     He was confident he could make a difference and a valid change for the better within his community. However, by this time he was an elderly man and after hours and days of working, he was tired and worn out.  This man, defeated and unsuccessful in his endeavors, felt shameful and disappointed. He sat wallowing in self-pity, angry at the world and all alone. It was in this moment he realized all his efforts were strictly to bring glory and recognition to himself. The more aware he became that it is Christ’s power that changes the world and not our own fortitude and pride, his pursuit for Christ became more personal and intimate. 
      Out of the overflow of God’s love for him, he changed the way he loved and served the people around him and in his community. He watched as they began to come together, as one body, making an incredible impact for the Kingdom of Heaven. This man finally realized that true change had to start with his heart and his relationship with God, unfortunately, it just happened to be so late in his life. 

as the new year begins... each of us consciously or unconsciously begin to look at our life and evaluate where we are and where we want to be. Our goals, passions, desires and dreams begin to surface. This morning I had coffee with a friend who shared how she keeps hearing God ask her, "What are your motivations behind your wants and desires? Is it to bring ME glory or yourself?" I was struck by the one word...motivation. Many times I act or serve in hopes to fulfill some need or desire I have, however, when my motivation is strictly to be a light and to bring glory to God (and not myself) my life begins to flourish in unexpectant ways.

flour·ish  (flûr’ĭsh, flŭr’-)
           [v.   flour·ished, flour·ish·ing, flour·ish·es]
To grow well or luxuriantly; thrive:
The crops flourished in the rich soil.
2. To do or fare well; prosper:
“No village on the railroad failed to flourish” (John Kenneth Galbraith).
3. To be in a period of highest productivity, excellence, or influence:
     a poet who flourished in the tenth century.
4. To make bold, sweeping movements:
     The banner flourished in the wind.

May our lives reflect Christ and FLOURISH as we seek to bring HIM glory and not ourselves in this new year.

life is but a BREATH.


  1. Great post, Rach!!



  2. thanks randy & kelly!! I believe both of you live lives that TRULY flourish and am grateful to be your friend :)

  3. thank you for the annual reminder... happy 2010. cheers to our own hearts & walks. may they bring happiness to all and inspire the flames of creativity through the rubble of life. :) LOVE
